Thursday, August 18, 2011

web design

I am currently finishing up a new website for a private company that will focus on party reservations. The site uses a MySQL DB in the back end to store all useful information. Integration with Google checkout and Calendar are complete. I should have a MySQL Editor designed and coded by tomorrow for the presentation of the website. Programming is extremely interesting, it is so similar to so many other things in this world. Once you understand how it works, EVERYTHING else just seems to make sense and become easy (-_-)

Monday, August 15, 2011

signal processing

Signal Processing is not to complicated, once you get to understand the basics everything else just seems to work out. Especially with some Patron and wine :). Just finished calculating Inter-Spike Intervals and graphing them to an output plot. Now time for a quick game of COD then back to work. Finishing up this project TODAY! Later on staying in the room and putting work in for the GSDM website, functionality and features are currently being refreshed as well as the website design/layout. By the end of this week the website should be almost completely functional, including MySQL easy editing for administrative users.

Also im beginning to put some ideas into motion, software/hardware applications. Military contractable ideas as well as an idea for some luxury vehicle companys. Hustle everyday, cya